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Curriculum Vitae
2023 - present | VP Composable Process Platform Innovation (Development Senior Manager) SAP Technology and Innovation |
2024 - present | Location Representative for SAP Innovation Center Potsdam SAP SE |
2020 - present | Chair Representative of Prof. Hasso Plattner Enterprise Platform and Integration Concepts Hasso‐Plattner‐Institute, University of Potsdam |
2019 - 2023 | VP Strategic Projects (Development Senior Manager) SAP Technology and Innovation |
2015 - 2018 | Head of Chairman Projects (Development Manager) SAP Innovation Center Network |
2014 - 2015 | Software Developer and Researcher SAP Innovation Center Potsdam Future Corporate Management Strategic Projects Programming Models & Development Experience |
2008 - 2013 | Doctoral Studies (Dr.-Ing.) in Computer Science supervised by Prof. Dr. Robert Hirschfeld, Software Architecture Group Thesis: Test-driven Fault Navigation for Debugging Reproducible Failures Research School on Service-oriented Systems Engineering Hasso‐Plattner‐Institute, University of Potsdam |
2007 - 2008 | Master of Science (M.Sc.) in Software Engineering Thesis: Explicit Use-case Representation in Object-oriented Programming Languages Hasso‐Plattner‐Institute, University of Potsdam |
2003 - 2007 | Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Software Engineering Hasso‐Plattner‐Institute, University of Potsdam |
1996 - 2003 | Secondary School "Hermann-von-Helmholtz Gymnasium", Potsdam |
1990 - 1996 | Elementary School "Waldschule", Potsdam |
Academic Service
- Mentor for SAP.iO Foundry, powered by Techstars Accelerator
- Student events chair at Modularity AOSD '12
- Program committee member for PX/23, SOFTENG '23 (Industry/research advisory committee and technical committee), SKILLS '22, PX/22, SOFTENG '22 (Industry/research advisory committee and technical committee), SKILLS '21, PX/21, SOFTENG '21 (Industry/research advisory committee and technical committee), PX/20, SOFTENG '20 (Industry/research advisory committee and technical committee), PX/19, SOFTENG '19 (Industry/research advisory committee and technical committee), PX/18, SOFTENG '18 (Industry/research advisory committee and technical committee), OtC '17, PX/17.2, PX/17, SOFTENG '17 (Industry/research advisory committee and technical committee), PX/16, CROW '16, SOFTENG '16 (Research liaison and technical committee), VISSOFT '15 (NIER and Tool-Demo Tracks), SOFTENG '15 (Research liaison and technical committee), VISSOFT '14 (NIER and Tool-Demo Tracks), and DYLA '10
- External reviewer
- Journals (CSRD '13, JSS '13, JOT '12, SCICO '12, TAOSD '09)
- Conferences (OPENSYM '14, ENASE '14, CSMR-WCRE ERA '14, ECOOP ('13, '12, '11, '10), AOSD ('13, '11), SPLASH/OOPSLA ('13, '11, '10), SAC-OOPS ('15, '13, '12, '11), DLS ('15, '14, '13), Onward! '13, Coordinations ('12, '11), C5 ('12, '11), SAC-PSC '09)
- Workshops (XM '14, SEI '14, MASPEGHI '13, GI ('13, '12, '10), Smalltalk Directions '12, Benevol '10, AoAsia '10, IWST '09)
- Co-supervised PhD theses
- Stefan Halfpap. Integer Linear Programming-based Heuristics for Partially Replicated Database Clusters and Selecting Indexes. Hasso-Plattner-Institute. 2023.
- Christopher Hagedorn. Parallel Execution of Causal Structure Learning on Graphics Processing Units. Hasso-Plattner-Institute. 2023.
- Jan Kossmann. Unsupervised Database Optimization: Efficient Index Selection and Data Dependency-driven Query Optimization. Hasso-Plattner-Institute. 2023.
- Günter Hesse. A Benchmark for Enterprise Stream Processing Architectures. Hasso-Plattner-Institute. 2022.
- Markus Dreseler. Automatic Tiering for In-Memory Databases. Hasso-Plattner-Institute. 2022.
- Co-supervised master theses
- Leon Bein. Evidence-supported Agile Retrospectives. Hasso Plattner Institute. 2023.
- David Hennemann. Online Marketplace Simulation: Dynamic pricing with strategic customer behavior. Hasso Plattner Institute. 2023.
- Lars Jonas Bollmeier. Adaptive Data Layouting for Serverless Query Execution. Hasso Plattner Institute. 2023.
- Fabian Heseding. Asset Management in Foundations. Hasso Plattner Institute. 2023.
- Oliver Nordemann. Datengetriebene Optimierung von Werbestrategien im Online-Offline Handel. Hasso Plattner Institute. 2023.
- Theo Radig. Single Node Performance for In-situ Serverless Query Processing. Hasso Plattner Institute. 2023.
- Brian Pfitzmann. Enhancing Enterprise Software Documentation with Community Content. Hasso Plattner Institute. 2023.
- Julius Streit. Towards Heuristic Integer Linear Programming-Based Index Selection Considering Multi-Attribute Indexes and Multi-Index Configurations. Hasso Plattner Institute. 2023.
- Daniel Lindner. Workload-driven Query Optimization Using Data Dependencies. Hasso-Plattner-Institute. 2022.
- Kenneth Schröder. Discussion of Reinforcement Learning Properties with Applications to Combinatorial Problems. Hasso-Plattner-Institute. 2022.
- Pascal Schulze. Serverless Maintenance of Database Statistics and Cached Query Results. Hasso-Plattner-Institute. 2022.
- Timon Millich. Cost-aware Pruning with Filters in Serverless Data Management. Hasso-Plattner-Institute. 2022.
- Ben Hurdeley. Workload-driven Data Placement for Tierless In-Memory Database Systems. Hasso-Plattner-Institute. 2022.
- Petr Tsayun. Workload-driven Fine-grained Index and Filter Selection for In-Memory Database Scan Acceleration. Hasso-Plattner-Institute. 2022.
- David Justen. Efficiency and Robustness in Serverless Join Processing. Hasso-Plattner-Institute. 2021.
- Tobias Nack. Incorporating Background Knowledge from Car Manufacturing into Constraint-based Causal Structure Learning. Hasso-Plattner-Institute. 2021.
- Lukas Böhme. Efficient Data Transfer for Data Mediator Systems. Hasso-Plattner-Institute. 2021.
- Julian Menzler. Query Compilation for Distributed Execution with Cloud Functions. Hasso-Plattner-Institute. 2021.
- Milan Proell. Load Balancing Causal Structure Learning Algorithms in Heterogeneous Computing Systems. Hasso-Plattner-Institute. 2021.
- Fabian Engel. Straggler identification and mitigation in massively distributed query execution on cloud functions. Hasso-Plattner-Institute. 2021.
- Constantin Lange. Parallel Execution Strategies for Constraint-Based Causal Structure Learning with an Entropy-Based Conditional Independence Test. Hasso-Plattner-Institute. 2021.
- Marcel Weisgut. Partial Indexes in Horizontally Partitioned In-Memory Databases. Hasso-Plattner-Institute. 2021.
- Philipp Bode. Constraint-based Causal Structure Learning of Gene Regulatory Networks. Hasso-Plattner-Institute. 2020.
- Matthias Flüggen. Anti-Caching for Hyrise. Hasso-Plattner-Institute. 2020.
- Alexander Kastius. Reinforcement Learning for Dynamic Priocing under Competition. Hasso-Plattner-Institute. 2020.
- Alexander Loeser. Automatic Clustering in Hyrise. Hasso-Plattner-Institute. 2020.
- Jan Mensch. Elastic Query Execution via Short-lived and Stateless Cloud Functions. Hasso-Plattner-Institute. 2020.
- Frederike Ramin. Perceived Contributions in Software Engineering Teams. Hasso-Plattner-Institute. 2020.
- Daniel Thevessen. An Entropy-Based Conditional Independence Test for Constraint-Based Causal Structure Learning from Heterogeneous Data. Hasso-Plattner-Institute. 2020.
- Benjamin Siegmund. Studying the Advancement in Debugging Practice of Professional Software Developers. Hasso-Plattner-Institut. 2014.
- Lukas Niemeier. Tracking and Visualization of Object State Changes for Fault Localization. Hasso-Plattner-Institut. 2014.
- Leonhard Schweizer. PathObjects – Revealing Object Interactions to Assist Developers in Program Comprehension. Hasso-Plattner-Institut. 2014.
- Oliver Richter. Language Independent Software Development Tools - Introducing Smoopie: Path Tools in Eclipse. Hasso-Plattner-Institut. 2014.
- Tim Felgentreff. Comparison, Replay, and Refinement of Communication Traces for Debugging Distributed Failures. Hasso-Plattner-Institut. 2012.
- David Tibbe. Integration von Kontextdaten verschiedener Communitys am Beispiel von IYOUIT und Facebook. Hasso-Plattner-Institut. 2009.
- Massive Open Online Courses
- Professional Education
- Lectures
- Trends and Concepts in the Software Industry I (together with Prof. Hasso Plattner, focus on cloud architectures, enterprise cloud platforms and busines applications, master course, summer term 2020-2022)
- Software Engineering II (Bachelor course, winter term 2020/2021)
- Scalable Software Engineering (Bachelor course, winter term 2021/2022-2022/2023)
- Grundlagen der Datenverarbeitung in Unternehmensanwendungen (Bachelor course, summer term 2020)
- Grundlagen von Unternehmensanwendungen (Bachelor course, summer term 2021)
- Causal Inference - Theory and Applications in Enterprise Computing (together with Rainer Schlosser, master course, summer term 2020)
- Data-Driven Decision-Making in Enterprise Applications (together with Rainer Schlosser, master course, summer term 2020)
- Seminars
- Trends and Concepts in the Software Industry II (together with Prof. Hasso Plattner, focus on development experience, adoption in the cloud, and business process analysis, master course, winter term 2020/2021-2022/2023; Starting with 2023/2024 together with Christian Klein and Philipp Herzig on Generative AI in business applications)
- Rethink the User Experience of Business Applications (joint seminar course with Prof. Boris Müller (University of Applied Sciences Potsdam), winter term 2023/2024)
- Develop Your Own Database (Seminar, Master course, summer term 2021-2022)
- Research and Implementation of Database Topics (Seminar, Master course, winter term 2020/2021-2022/2023)
- Bachelor Student Projects
- Feedback to Code together with Prof. Ralf Herbrich and Prof. Gerard de Melo (2023-2024)
- Flexible Business Software for Start-ups with SAP New Ventures and Technologies (2022-2023)
- Market Simulation Framework with Feather @ SAP.iO (2021-2022)
- Reinvent the Development Experience for the Intelligent Enterprise with SAP Graph (2020-2021)
- Autopilot On: A Cockpit for Self-Driving Databases (2019-2020)
- Master Student Projects
- Extend Your Own Database: Larger-than-Memory Data Management for an In-Memory Database System (Winter term 2022/2023)
- Resource Allocation for Scale-out Database Systems and Cloud (Summer term 2022)
- GPU-Accelerated Causal Structure Learning (Winter term 2021/2022)
- Building an Elastic Query Engine on Serverless Cloud Infrastructure (Summer term 2021)
- Causal Inference Benchmark (Winter term 2020/2021)
- Performance Engineering for Cloud-based Database Systems (Summer term 2020)
- Lectures (with Prof. Dr. Robert Hirschfeld)
- Software-Architecture (Bachelor course, winter term 2008/2009 - 2013/2014)
- Software Engineering I (Bachelor course, summer term 2009 - 2016)
- Meta-Programming and Reflection (Master course, winter term 2011/2012)
- IT-Enterprise Architectures (Master course, summer term 2010, winter term 2012/2013)
- Seminars (with Prof. Dr. Robert Hirschfeld)
- Programming Language Concepts, Tools, and Environments (Master course, summer term 2012)
- Agile Development (Master course, summer term 2010)
- Co-supervised student projects (with Prof. Dr. Robert Hirschfeld)
- Improved Navigation in Back-in-time Debuggers (Master project, winter term 2013/2014)
- The Reflective Programmer (Master project, summer term 2011)
- Programming Models for Data-intensive Applications (Bachelor project, 2011-2012)
- Scripting Objects for the Web (Bachelor project, 2010-2011)
- Digital Pub Life (Bachelor project, 2009-2010)
- Other
- Etoys workshop (Lecturer, course for pupils, summer term 2009, winter term 2009/2010)
2024 | SAP Catalyst |
2021 | ACM Senior Membership Award for demonstrating performance through technical leadership and professional contributions. |
2014 | Winner of the Best App in SAP Tool-A-Thon 2014. Hangman-Notifications. Marius Obert, Michael Perscheid, Sebastian Schneider, Sebastian Woinar. |
2009 | Second Place for ESUG Innovation Technology Awards - PhidgetLab
Best Master’s Degree in Software Engineering at the Hasso-Plattner-Institute |
2007 | Third-best Bachelor’s Degree in Software Engineering at the Hasso-Plattner-Institute |
2003 | Third place for Brandenburg’s competition in computer science |
- Gregor Berg, Bernhard Höppner, Stefan Krumnow, Michael Perscheid, Ralf Teusner. BPaaS: Compatibility Checks. Published on 11. January 2024. Publication number: 17/859,303.
- Jan Kossmann, Rainer Schlosser, Alexander Kastius, Michael Perscheid, Hasso Plattner. Training an Agent for Iterative Multi-attribute Index Selection. Published on 05. October 2023. Publication number: 18/167,667.
- Marco Kroll, Lutz Gericke, Michael Perscheid, Alexander Boehm. Extension Application Mechanisms Through Intra-Process Operation Systems. Published on 29. July 2021. Publication number: US2021232416A1
Advising and Coaching
- Appointment to the Industrial Curatory Board of Schloss Dagstuhl – Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (01.2024-12.2027)
- Voluntary Coach and Jury for StartSocial e.V. and their projects: africademics.com (Won the German Engagement Award - Create Chances 2022), respectScience e.V., and Changemaker Academy
- Senior Fellow of 42 Berlin
- Mentor for several SAP colleagues
- Advisor for Maya Data Privacy Start-up
- Languages
- German (Mother tongue)
- English (Fluent)
- French (Basics)
- Memberships
- ACM (Senior Member)
- Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI + Fachgruppe Datenbanken)
- Squeak Deutschland e.V. (Managing committee since 12/2013)
- Flüchtlingshilfe Babelsberg e.V.
- Other interests
- Basketball ("Hochschulsport Potsdam", Course instructor from 02/2014 to 02/2020)
- Cycling and running
- Model railway